Find out what’s happening at FC and how you can get connected to our family community!

Illuminate Easter
Sunday, April 13 | 6:00pm
Sutherlin Campus | Main Auditorium
The purpose of Family Church's night of worship series, Illuminate, is to magnify the greatness of God in Jesus Christ and ignite genuine worship in the hearts of His followers.
INTERESTED IN BEING BAPTIZED AT ILLUMINATE? Fill out the form and select ‘other’ to enter Illuminate for the location.
For more information, contact Jordan: jordan.knee@fcmail.org

Sutherlin | Good Friday
Friday, April 18 | 6:00pm
Sutherlin | Auditorium
A reverent time of guided prayer and singing to remember and reflect on the all-sufficient sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.
"For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Romans 5:6-8
For more information, contact Jordan: jordan.knee@fcmail.org

South Umpqua | Good Friday
Friday, April 18 | 6:00pm
South Umpqua campus | 436 N Old Pacific Hwy, MC
Join us for a community-wide joint worship and communion service with other local churches! Childcare will be provided for birth through fifth grade.
For more information, contact Ryan: ryan.cripps@fcmail.org

Illuminate Hymns
Sunday, October 13 | 6:00pm
Sutherlin Campus | Main Auditorium
The purpose of Family Church's night of worship series, Illuminate, is to magnify the greatness of God in Jesus Christ and ignite genuine worship in the hearts of His followers. Childcare is available for ages 0-4.
Are you interested in being baptized at Illuminate Hymns? Use the Baptism Interest button, or contact your campus pastor.
For more information, contact Jordan: jordan.knee@fcmail.org

Illuminate Easter
Sunday, March 24 | 6:00pm
Sutherlin Campus | Main Auditorium
The purpose of Family Church's night of worship series, Illuminate, is to magnify the greatness of God in Jesus Christ and ignite genuine worship in the hearts of His followers. Childcare is available for ages 0-4.
INTERESTED IN BEING BAPTIZED AT ILLUMINATE? Fill out the form and select ‘other’ to enter Illuminate for the location.
For more information, contact Jordan: jordan.knee@fcmail.org

The Ark | Family Worship Service
First and third Sundays
The Ark | Auditorium
On the first and third Sunday of each month, the PreK - 5th grade students will join their families in church for musical worship, and then be released to class afterward. Here is how it will work:
Check-in kids normally
Join as a family in the Auditorium
Participate in worship together
Kids will be released to class afterward
For more information, contact Sierra: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org

The Ark | Family Worship Service
First and third Sundays, starting January 7
The Ark | Auditorium
On the first and third Sunday of each month, the PreK - 5th grade students will join their families in church for musical worship, and then be released to class afterward. Here is how it will work:
Check-in kids normally
Join as a family in the Auditorium
Participate in worship together
Kids will be released to class afterward
For more information, contact Sierra: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org

Illuminate Christmas
Friday, December 22 | 6:00pm
Sutherlin Auditorium
Join us for a festively musical night of worship to celebrate the birth of our Savior! The goal of Family Church’s night of worship series, Illuminate, is to ignite genuine worship in our hearts in order to magnify the greatness of God in Jesus Christ and cherish Him above all else. There will be a Children's Choir, photo booth, and refreshments.
For more information, contact Jordan Knee: jordan.knee@fcmail.org

Illuminate Hymns
Sunday, October 22 | 6:00pm
Sutherlin Campus | Main Auditorium
The purpose of Family Church's night of worship series, Illuminate, is to magnify the greatness of God in Jesus Christ and ignite genuine worship in the hearts of His followers.
For more information, contact Jordan: jordan.knee@fcmail.org

South Umpqua | Family Worship
The last two Sundays of the month
South Umpqua Campus | Auditorium
On the last two Sundays of each month, the 1st - 5th grade students will join their families in church for musical worship, and then be released to class afterward. Here is how it will work:
Check-in kids normally
Join as a family in the Auditorium
Participate in worship together
Kids will be released to class afterward
For more information, contact Ryan: ryan.cripps@fcmail.org

Sutherlin | Family Worship
Every Second Sunday
Sutherlin Campus | Auditorium
On the second Sunday of each month, the 1st - 5th grade students will join their families in church for musical worship, then be released to class afterward. Here is how it will work:
Check-in kids normally
Join as a family in the Auditorium
Participate in worship together
Kids will be released to class afterward
For more information, contact Katrina: katrina.goddard@fcmail.org

Sutherlin | Family Worship
Every Second Sunday
Sutherlin Campus | Auditorium
On the second Sunday of each month, the 1st - 5th grade students will join their families in church for musical worship, then be released to class afterward. Here is how it will work:
Check-in kids normally
Join as a family in the Auditorium
Participate in worship together
Kids will be released to class afterward
For more information, contact Katrina: katrina.goddard@fcmail.org

Sutherlin | Family Worship
Every Second Sunday | Starting July 9
Sutherlin Campus | Auditorium
On the second Sunday of each month, the 1st - 5th grade students will join their families in church for musical worship, then be released to class afterward. Here is how it will work:
Check-in kids normally
Join as a family in the Auditorium
Participate in worship together
Kids will be released to class afterward
For more information, contact Katrina: katrina.goddard@fcmail.org

Sunday, March 12 | 6:00pm
Sutherlin Campus | Auditorium
Ignite worship for our Savior in your heart! The purpose of Family Church's night of worship series, Illuminate, is to do just that: ignite genuine worship in our hearts to magnify the greatness of God in Jesus Christ and cherish Him above all else.
For more information, contact Jordan Knee: jordan.knee@fcmail.org

Green Campus | Percussion Class
Sunday, February 12 | 11:30am - 1:30pm
Ages 10 and up | Green Campus Auditorium
Come and learn more about percussion! We will teach drums, djembe, cajón, and other percussion instruments for all skill levels. There will be something for everyone, regardless of experience!
For more information, contact Amy Cannaday: amy.cannaday@fcmail.org

Sutherlin Campus | Illuminate Christmas Eve
Saturday, December 24 | 1:00pm & 3:00pm
Join us on Christmas Eve for a festive, music-filled service! The goal of Family Church’s night of worship series, Illuminate, is to ignite genuine worship in our hearts in order to magnify the greatness of God in Jesus Christ and cherish Him above all else. There will be a Children's Choir, photo booth, and refreshments.
For more information, contact Jordan Knee: jordan.knee@fcmail.org
We will have a special online service available on Sunday, December 25 via livestream (also available on our website, Facebook, and YouTube). This online service will be streamed at 10:00am at the Sutherlin Campus.

Sutherlin Campus | Illuminate Christmas Eve
Saturday, December 24 | 1:00pm & 3:00pm
Join us on Christmas Eve for a festive, music-filled service! The goal of Family Church’s night of worship series, Illuminate, is to ignite genuine worship in our hearts in order to magnify the greatness of God in Jesus Christ and cherish Him above all else. There will be a Children's Choir, photo booth, and refreshments.
For more information, contact Jordan Knee: jordan.knee@fcmail.org
We will have a special online service available on Sunday, December 25 via livestream (also available on our website, Facebook, and YouTube). This online service will be streamed at 10:00am at the Sutherlin Campus.

Illuminate Unplugged
Sunday, October 16 | 6:00pm
Sutherlin Campus | Auditorium
Invite your friends and neighbors to join us for an acoustic night of musical worship. Childcare is provided for ages 0-4.
For more info, contact: jordan.knee@fcmail.org

Illuminate at the Park
Thursday, July 14 | dinner at 6:30pm, concert at 7:00pm
Riverbend Park | Winston
Join us for a special night of musical worship! We will be hosting a free dinner and worship concert for our church and our community at Riverbend Park in Winston.
A night like this is a great opportunity to serve! Want to help with setting up, cooking, serving dinner, parking, etc.? Contact Amy Cannaday: amy.cannday@fcmail.org

May 21 | 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Sutherlin Campus Auditorium
Join us at the Sutherlin Campus for Illuminate, a musical night of worship. The goal of Family Church’s night of worship series, Illuminate, is to ignite genuine worship in our hearts in order to magnify the greatness of God in Jesus Christ and cherish Him above all else.
Questions? Contact Jordan Knee: jordan.knee@fcmail.org

Green Campus | Illuminate
Monday, February 7 |6:00pm
Green Campus Auditorium
Join us for a special night of musical worship and communion, followed by a time of breaking our fast together. If you can, please bring a snack to share!
For more info, contact Amy: amy.cannaday@fcmail.org

Illuminate Christmas
December 23, 2021 Sutherlin Campus | Main Building
Invite your friends and neighbors to join us for a musical night of worship, celebrating the birth of Jesus. Childcare provided for ages 0-4.
For more info, contact: jordan.knee@fcmail.org

Green Campus | Illuminate
Green Campus | Auditorium
Tuesday, August 24 | 6:30pm
Join us for a special night of worship at the Green Campus!

Green Campus | Illuminate
Green Campus | Auditorium
Tuesday, June 8 | 6:30pm
Join us for a special night of worship at the Green Campus!

Website Launch
Today, we are excited to announce the launch of our brand new website!
Feel free to have a look around, and because we’re human please let us know if you find any broken links by EMAILING US