Find out what’s happening at FC and how you can get connected to our family community!

Kids Ministry Volunteer Training
April 12 | 12:00pm - 3:30pm
The Ark | 411 Safari Road, Winston
This will be a half-day training for those serving in Kids Ministry that will focus on teaching, classroom management, and relational discipleship skills for working with children. Lunch will be provided before the main event (12:00-1:00).
For more information, contact Crystal: crystal.cunningham@fcmail.org

The Ark | Family Night
Every Third Thursday | 6:00pm
The Ark | 411 Safari Road, Winston
Join us for a night of family fun! This event is geared toward families with elementary-aged kids, but everyone is invited! Family Night will consist of games/activities, crafts, snacks, and occasional relational lessons or challenges to get your family thinking about God.
This event is free, but please register so we know how much material to prepare!
For more info, contact Sierra: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org

The Ark | Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 19 | Hunts start at 11:30am
Winston Community Park | 590 SE Thompson Ave.
Join us for a free community event! We will have different hunts by age, special golden egg prizes, yard games, and a hot dog lunch. The first hunt starts at 11:30, so get there a little early to line up!
For more information, contact Sierra Harwood: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org

The Ark | Family Night
Every Third Thursday | 6:00pm
The Ark | 411 Safari Road, Winston
Join us for a night of family fun! This event is geared toward families with elementary-aged kids, but everyone is invited! Family Night will consist of games/activities, crafts, snacks, and occasional relational lessons or challenges to get your family thinking about God.
This event is free, but please register so we know how much material to prepare!
For more info, contact Sierra: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org

The Ark | Family Night
Every Third Thursday | 6:00pm
The Ark | 411 Safari Road, Winston
Join us for a night of family fun! This event is geared toward families with elementary-aged kids, but everyone is invited! Family Night will consist of games/activities, crafts, snacks, and occasional relational lessons or challenges to get your family thinking about God.
This event is free, but please register so we know how much material to prepare!
For more info, contact Sierra: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org

Sutherlin | VBS
June 30 - July 3 | 9:00am – 12:00pm
Sutherlin | Auditorium
Send your kids on the ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. As kids trek the tundra, they’ll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, True North VBS shows them he is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North!
Volunteers Needed - register online!
For more information, contact Crystal Cunningham: crystal.cunningham@fcmail.org
Sutherlin VBS is for kids ages 4 through 4th grade (recently completed).

The Ark | VBS
July 21 – 24 | 9:00am – 12:00pm
The Ark | Auditorium
Send your kids on the ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. As kids trek the tundra, they’ll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, True North VBS shows them he is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North!
Volunteers Needed - register online!
For more information, contact Sierra Harwood: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org
VBS at the Ark is for kids ages 4 through 5th grade (recently completed).

Sutherlin | Kids Ministry Interest Meetings
Sunday, March 16 | After each service
Sutherlin | Lobby Café
We are looking for members interested in exploring Kids Ministry. There are various needs in preschool, nursery, elementary, and the check-in area. After service, visit the lobby cafe to learn more about serving roles and upcoming training opportunities.
For more information, contact Crystal: crystal.cunningham@fcmail.org

Sutherlin | Kids Ministry Interest Meetings
Sunday, March 16 | After each service
Sutherlin | Lobby Café
We are looking for members interested in exploring Kids Ministry. There are various needs in preschool, nursery, elementary, and the check-in area. After service, visit the lobby cafe to learn more about serving roles and upcoming training opportunities.
For more information, contact Crystal: crystal.cunningham@fcmail.org

Sutherlin | Kids Night
Wednesday evenings, beginning January 15 | 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Sutherlin Auditorium | Pre-K - 5th Grade
Kids Night is back with team games, worship, prizes, Bible lessons, small groups, and special events!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Contact Crystal: crystal.cunningham@fcmail.org

The Ark | Family Gingerbread House Competition
December 15 | After Service
The Ark Auditorium | $5 per family
Gather your family and join our friendly gingerbread house competition! The house with the most votes will win a prize. The goal of the day is to work together and have some fun as a family. The event will include a light lunch and a small relational lesson. Please sign up everyone in your group together so we know how many groups we will have!
For more information, contact Sierra: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org

South Umpqua | Trunk or Treat
Thursday, October 31 | 4:00pm - 6:00pm
MSK True Value | Parking Lot
Join us for a FREE, fun afternoon of collecting candy car-to-car!
SERVING OPPORTUNITY: We need candy and/or your trunk! Park your vehicle, set up some fun (non-scary) decorations, and hand out candy to the kids.
(no registration is needed to attend the event, just if you are volunteering!)
For questions or more info contact Ryan Cripps: ryan.cripps@fcmail.org

The Ark | Trunk or Treat
Wednesday, October 30 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm
The Ark | Parking Lot
Join us for a FREE, fun afternoon of collecting candy car-to-car!
SERVING OPPORTUNITY: We need candy and/or your trunk! Park your vehicle, set up some fun (non-scary) decorations, and hand out candy to the kids. Prizes will be awarded to the best-decorated trunks and best-costumed volunteers!
No registration is needed to attend the event, just if you are volunteering!
For questions or more info contact Sierra: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org

Sutherlin | Child Dedication
Sunday, October 13 | During Services
This is for parents who want to publicly dedicate their child(ren) to the Lord during a weekend worship service.
For more info, contact Pastor Jeremy: jeremy.fultz@fcmail.org

The Ark | Pray for Me
Sign up by October 6
We're looking for prayer champions to partner with the next generation throughout the 2024/2025 school year. The Pray for Me Campaign is rooted in the truth that God uses his Word, his people, and prayer to change the world. This ministry creates a vast web of intergenerational relationships and equips adult believers to pass on a lasting faith to the next generation.
Use the button (1) if you want to become a prayer champion, (2) if you are a student and want to be prayed for, OR (3) if you are a parent and you want to sign up your children/students to be prayed for.
For more information, contact Charles Vincent: charles.vincent@fcmail.org

The Ark | Enlightened Returns
September 15 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
The Ark | Elementary Classroom
Enlightened will be starting back up for the school year. Join us for the first Enlightened of the season on Sunday, September 15. Bring a friend, and come ready for some fun! Enlightened is for all Kindergarten - 5th grade kids and meets every first and third Sunday from 6:00pm - 7:30pm in the Elementary Classroom at the Ark (411 Safari Road, Winston).
For more information, contact Sierra: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org

Sutherlin | Kids Night
Wednesday evenings, beginning September 11 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Sutherlin Campus | Pre-K - 5th Grade
Kids Night is back with team games, worship, prizes, Bible lessons, small groups, and special events!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Contact Jaqui: jaqui.beecroft@fcmail.org

South Umpqua | School Supply Drive
May 19 - August 25
This summer, we are collecting school supplies for the kids and teachers of Myrtle Creek Elementary. Here is a list of items that the school needs: Pencils, colored pencils, Crayola crayons, pencil sharpeners, black and blue pens, large erasers, and rulers. Drop off your donated items in the lobby and we will deliver them on the first week of school!
For more info, please contact Pam: pam.alden@fcmail.org

South Umpqua | Summer Festival
July 25 - 27 | Millsite Park
Family Church is hosting a booth at the Myrtle Creek Summer Festival! Join us for a ton of fun. We will have activities for kids and students, a craft station, and water and popsicles.
Events like these are an excellent opportunity to volunteer and serve our community!
Contact Ryan for more info: ryan.cripps@fcmail.org

The Ark | VBX
July 15 – 18 | 9:00am – 12:00pm
The Ark | Auditorium
Send your kids on a splash-tastic adventure! At Scuba VBX, kids dive into friendship with God. Scuba is filled with awesome Bible-learning experiences kids can see, hear, and touch! Hands-on experiences, team-building games, unforgettable Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that will help their faith flow into real life. Register online, and we'll 'sea' you there!
Volunteers Needed - register online!
For more information, contact Sierra Harwood: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org
VBX at the Ark is for kids ages 4 through 5th grade (recently completed).

Sutherlin | VBX
July 8 – 11 | 9:00am – 12:00pm
Sutherlin | Auditorium
Send your kids on a splash-tastic adventure! At Scuba VBX, kids dive into friendship with God. Scuba is filled with awesome Bible-learning experiences kids can see, hear, and touch! Hands-on experiences, team-building games, unforgettable Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that will help their faith flow into real life. Register online, and we'll 'sea' you there!
Volunteers Needed - register online!
For more information, contact Katrina Goddard: katrina.goddard@fcmail.org
Sutherlin VBX is for kids ages 4 through 4th grade (recently completed).

The Ark | Enlightened Summer Break Party
Sunday, June 2 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
The Ark | Elementary Classroom
Enlightened is going on summer break! Join us at our last Enlightened night of the school year for pizza, ice cream/popsicles, and games. We will block off our parking lot, so bring skates, boards, and scooters! Helmets and protective gear will be required to ride.
For more info, contact Sierra: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org

The Ark | Egg Hunt
Easter Sunday | After Service
Join us for an egg hunt after church! Multiple areas will be set out by age group, so all kids can get a chance to get in on the fun!
Want to help out? We need small, fully-wrapped candies (no foil wrappers, please)! They can be dropped off at our campus between now and March 24.
For more info, contact Sierra: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org

South Umpqua | Spring Break Lunches
March 25 - 29 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm
MC Elementary & Meadowlark Apartments
Family Church will serve FREE lunches for community kids (0-18) during Spring Break! Food will be prepared at the South Umpqua campus from 10am to 12pm and served in two locations from 12pm to 1pm: Myrtle Creek Elementary and Meadowlark Apartments.
Events like these are an excellent opportunity to volunteer and serve our community. In addition to food prep and serving, we have pull tabs in the South Umpqua campus lobby for food donations.
Contact Ryan for more info: ryan.cripps@fcmail.org
You do not need to sign up to receive free lunches!

Sutherlin | Child Dedication
Sunday, March 17 | During Services
This is for parents who would like to publicly dedicate their child(ren) to the Lord during a weekend worship service.
For more info, contact Pastor Jeremy: jeremy.fultz@fcmail.org

The Ark | Family Worship Service
First and third Sundays
The Ark | Auditorium
On the first and third Sunday of each month, the PreK - 5th grade students will join their families in church for musical worship, and then be released to class afterward. Here is how it will work:
Check-in kids normally
Join as a family in the Auditorium
Participate in worship together
Kids will be released to class afterward
For more information, contact Sierra: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org

The Ark | Family Worship Service
First and third Sundays, starting January 7
The Ark | Auditorium
On the first and third Sunday of each month, the PreK - 5th grade students will join their families in church for musical worship, and then be released to class afterward. Here is how it will work:
Check-in kids normally
Join as a family in the Auditorium
Participate in worship together
Kids will be released to class afterward
For more information, contact Sierra: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org

South Umpqua | All-Church Christmas Party
Friday, December 15 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
South Umpqua Campus
Mark your calendars for the third Friday of every month, where we will have themed fun nights to help us become better equipped to disciple our kids in our own homes! This month’s Family Night is an ALL-CHURCH Christmas Party!
For more info, contact Ryan Cripps: ryan.cripps@fcmail.org

Sutherlin | Kids Ministry Interest Meeting
December 10 | 12:30pm
Sutherlin Campus | Upper Auditorium
Curious if Kids Ministry is the place for you? Join us after service to hear what Kids Ministry is up to, where we currently have serving opportunities, and how you might fit on our fantastic team! You bring your questions, and we'll get you answers! No commitment is required.
For more information, contact Jaqui: jaqui.beecroft@fcmail.org

South Umpqua | Family Night
Friday, November 17 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
South Umpqua Campus
Mark your calendars for the third Friday of every month, where we will have themed fun nights to help us become better equipped to disciple our kids in our own homes! This month’s theme is all about being thankful for what God has done and looking back on a year of blessings!
For more info, contact Ryan Cripps: ryan.cripps@fcmail.org

Sutherlin | Family Night
Monday, November 6 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Sutherlin Campus | Auditorium
Family Night is an opportunity to build relationships and empower parents of preschool- 5th graders to be their children's spiritual disciplers through intentional activities such as Bible lessons, family projects, family devotions, and take-home projects. There will also be fun games, snacks, and giveaways!
REGISTER HERE (last day to register is November 5)
For more information, contact Jaqui: Jaqui.Beecroft@fcmail.org

The Ark | Trunk or Treat
Sunday, October 29 | 4:00pm - 6:00pm
The Ark | Parking Lot
Join us for a FREE, fun afternoon of collecting candy car-to-car!
SERVING OPPORTUNITY: We need candy and/or your trunk! Park your vehicle, set up some fun (non-scary) decorations, and hand out candy to the kids. Prizes will be awarded to the best-decorated trunks and best-costumed volunteers!
REGISTER HERE (no registration is needed to attend the event, just if you are volunteering!)
For questions or more info contact Sierra: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org

South Umpqua | Trunk or Treat
Sunday, October 29 | 4:00pm - 6:00pm
South Umpqua Campus | Parking Lot
Join us for a FREE, fun afternoon of collecting candy car-to-car!
SERVING OPPORTUNITY: We need candy and/or your trunk! Park your vehicle, set up some fun (non-scary) decorations, and hand out candy to the kids.
REGISTER HERE (no registration is needed to attend the event, just if you are volunteering!)
For questions or more info contact Ryan Cripps: ryan.cripps@fcmail.org

Sutherlin | Trunk or Treat
Saturday, October 28 | 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Sutherlin Campus | Parking Lot
Join us for a FREE, fun afternoon of carnival games, bounce houses, hayrides, and collecting candy car-to-car!
SERVING OPPORTUNITY: We need candy and/or your trunk! Park your vehicle, set up some fun (non-scary) decorations, and hand out candy to the kids. Prizes will be awarded to the best decorated trunks! Can't do a trunk? We have other roles to fill as well.
REGISTER HERE (no registration is needed to attend the event, just if you are volunteering!)
For questions or more info, contact Jaqui Beecroft: Jaqui.beecroft@fcmail.org

South Umpqua | Love and Logic
Wednesdays, September 20 - October 11 | 6:30pm - 7:30pm
The Cripps’ | 333 Gallahad Loop, Myrtle Creek
Do you want to raise self-confident, motivated children ready for the real world? Let us help equip you with loving yet powerful tools for parenting children of all ages. This five-week class will give you practical tips to help you set and enforce limits with compassion and empathy while allowing your children to make decisions, make affordable mistakes, and experience both natural and logical consequences. Childcare is provided!
REGISTER HERE (last day to register is September 19)
For more info, contact Ryan: ryan.cripps@fcmail.org

The Ark | Enlightened Fall Kick-Off
September 17 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
The Ark | Elementary Classroom
Enlightened will be starting back up for the school year. Join us for the first Enlightened of the season on Sunday, September 17, from 6:00 - 7:30pm. Bring a friend, and come ready for some fun! Enlightened is for all Kindergarten - 5th grade kids and meets every first and third Sunday from 6:00pm - 7:30pm in the Elementary Classroom at the Ark (411 Safari Road, Winston).
For more information, contact Sierra: sierra.harwood@fcmail.org

South Umpqua | Family Worship
The last two Sundays of the month
South Umpqua Campus | Auditorium
On the last two Sundays of each month, the 1st - 5th grade students will join their families in church for musical worship, and then be released to class afterward. Here is how it will work:
Check-in kids normally
Join as a family in the Auditorium
Participate in worship together
Kids will be released to class afterward
For more information, contact Ryan: ryan.cripps@fcmail.org